Hello all,
I must apologize for speaking only in English here. I come from Belgium, and don't speak german.

Just some words about me:
I 30 yo, I'm meteorite collector for a long time, i had purchase my first meteorite in summer 1994. At this time, Jupiter was impacted by multiples SL09 comets fragments. A very big show!!
Now I think to have more than 350 differents meteorites in collection with only approx 50 NWA saharian meteorites.
Some meteorites success stories:
My first own find was in Lybia in 2000, "just" a little 156 g stone

I'm the finder of the second larger european meteorite ( Mont Dieu n°2, found in 2005 in France very close to Belgian border) a huge 435 Kg silicated iron meteorite. The meteorite is now in permanent exhibition at Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences .
My last nice identification is a very little stony meteorite, fell in Belgium in 1976 very close to German border, find by kids during school expedition. They must looking for stones, frogs, leave, wood, ... and found a very friable meteorite. The was displayed at school under label "iron in limestone". The meteoritical origin has only been suspected in 2006. The incomplete crusted mass weight 189 g. The stone is now at Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.
I would like to show you a new meteorite,

found in north Chad two years ago in the Ndrali area.
Each meteorites from this fall are fabulous regmaglypted stones. Litterally a stony Sikhote-Alin. The total mass is approx 7.5 Kg. Only three little stone were cut, all others will be preserved. The eastheticals shape are too nice for cut them !!
The matrix consist in clear chondritics clast (
H5/6 S2) engained in a very dark matrix (
H3.8 highly shocked S6 !! ) .
The dark matrix contain many little chondrules (300 to 400 µm) flowed in chocks veins. A non negligeable part consist in primitives chondrules in wich some metal drops were found. Some of them are elliptic, partialy melt, ... There is also lot of olivines grains, some pyroxenes, chromites, PO chondrules, and type 3 chondritics conglomerates. The dark matric contain lot of opaques inclusions.
The matrix is covered by metal flakes. They consist approx 2/3 kamacite & 1/3 taenite. Two differents taenite concentration were found, it probably come from both initial parents bodies.
On the base of troilite alteration study, the weathering is only
W0/1. Analysis were made during lasts months by Dransart, EMTT, Lyon, France. Several specifics mineralogicals aspects were observed by M.Denise at MHNP, Paris. This fabulous meteorite will be submit to the met bull in the next weeks under proposal name: Ndrali.
I have some slice to sale. if you are interested, you can see
http://users.skynet.be/meteorite.be/ndrali.html If you are interested by the analysis aspect, you will read the first Ndrali H3.8-5/6 mineral report within the next few days at
http://users.skynet.be/meteorite.be/ndrali-analysis.html .
In the next weeks, more than 50 pictures of Ndrali thin sections (chondrules, flakes, matrix, olivine cristals, chromite, pyroxenes,shock veins,..) will be added.
kind regards,
Vincent JACQUES from Belgium