F.O.: Haute Marne, Frankreich
Klasse: Achondrite, SNC meteorite (chassignite), martian cumulate dunite
Olivine Fa (mole%): mean 31.5
Pyroxene Fs (mole%): mean 28.2
Total iron (weight%): 21.34
Plagioclase: An32.0 Ab64.3 Or3.7
Sanidine: An5.0 Ab47.8 Or47.2
Orthopyroxene: En68.5 Fs28.2 Wo3.3
Clinopyroxene: En45.5 Fs12.5 Wo42.0
accessory chromite, chlorapatite, ilmenite,
rutile, baddelyite, troilite,
marcasite, pentlandite, kaersutite
Fall: 3. Oktober 1815 (08:00 Uhr)
Gesamtgewicht: Ca. 4 kg (heute noch ca. 700 g erhalten)
A stone (or perhaps several) fell after detonations, the total weight being about 4kg, -.Pistollet, Ann. Phys., 1818, 58, p.171, A.L.Graham et al., Cat. Met., 1985, p.99. Chemical analysis and mineralogical description, E.Jérémine et al., Bull. Soc. franc. Min. Crist., 1962, 85, p.262 (M.A.16-171), Meteoritika, 1960, 18, p.66. Cosmic-ray and gas-retention ages, M.S.Lancet and K.Lancet, Meteoritics, 1971, 6, p.81. Analysis, 21.34% total Fe, T.S.McCarthy et al., Meteoritics, 1974, 9, p.215. Contains maskelynite, kaersutite, and baddelyite, mineral analysis, M.Prinz et al., Meteoritics, 1974, 9, p.393 (abs.). Major and trace element contents, W.V.Boynton et al., GCA, 1976, 40, p.1439. Analyses of minerals, trace element data, olivine Fa32, B.Mason et al., Meteoritics, 1976, 11, p.21. A cumulate dunite, with hydrous amphibole (kaersutite) bearing melt inclusions; mineral analyses, olivine Fa31.5, R.J.Floran et al., GCA, 1978, 42, p.1213. Infrared photometry, albedo, JHK colors, M.Leake et al., Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.101. UV reflectance spectra, J.K.Wagner et al., LPSC, 1980, 11, p.1193 (abs.). Calculation of atmospheric ablation based on cosmic ray tracks and Ne isotopes, N.Bhandari et al., Nucl. Tracks, 1980, 4, p.213. REE abundances, N.Nakamura et al., Papers 7th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1982, p.47 (abs.). Major and trace element data, A.Burghele et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.80 (abs.). Light stable isotope contents, A.E.Fallick et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.183 (abs.). Noble gas data, U.Ott et al., LPSC, 1983, 14, p.586 (abs.). Chemical composition of olivines, J.V.Smith et al., J. Geophys. Res., 1983, 88 (suppl.), p.B229. Cosmic ray exposure age, D.D.Bogard et al., LPSC, 1984, 15, p.68 (abs.). Stable carbon isotope data, R.H.Carr et al., J. Geophys. Res., 1985, 90 (suppl.), p.C664; see also, R.H.Carr and C.T.Pillinger, LPSC, 1984, 15, p.135 (abs.). Trace element data, A.H.Treiman et al., GCA, 1986, 50, p.1071. Be-10 data, D.K.Pal et al., GCA, 1986, 50, p.2405. Study of shock records, P.Lambert, LPSC, 1987, 18, p.529 (abs.). Noble gas isotopic composition, U.Ott, GCA, 1988, 52, p.1937. Pyrolysis and combustion studies, sulfur abundance in sulfates and sulfides, R.Burgess et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1989, 93, p.314. Carbon isotopic composition of carbonates, I.P.Wright et al., LPSC, 1990, 21, p.1353 (abs.). Mössbauer analysis, R.G.Burns and S.L.Martinez, LPSC, 1990, 21, p.147 (abs.). Study of carbonate and sulfate minerals, S.J.Wentworth and J.L.Gooding, Meteoritics, 1991, 26, p.408 (abs.); see also, LPSC, 1991, 22, p.1489 (abs.); Meteoritics, 1994, 29, p.860. Study of partially crystallized melt inclusions in cumulate olivine grains, M.C.Johnson et al., GCA, 1991, 55, p.349.................usw......usw......usw......
(Infos aus Metbase 7.2)
Hallo Forum
Chassigny, was soll man da noch gross sagen? Ich hatte Glück und konnte im Dezember 1990 ein damals 2.20 g, heute noch exakt 2.00 g Bruchstück im Tausch von einer Universität bekommen. Es ist ein kleines, aber doch ein grossartiges Stück und eines der wichtigsten Proben in meinem Steinhaufen...
Ein Forum-Mitglied hat aber ein wesentlich grösseres Chassigny-Stück in seiner Sammlung. Vielleicht stellt er das Stück hier vor?
Gruss, Allende