Autor Thema: Misfit meteorite sheds light on solar system history: Nedagolla (IRANOM)  (Gelesen 1284 mal)

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Misfit meteorite sheds light on solar system history: Nedagolla (IRANOM)
« am: September 25, 2021, 11:33:58 Vormittag »

siehe auch V. Buchwald (1975) Handbook of Iron Meteorites, Vol. 3, pp. 880-882:

Nedagolla is a unique meteorite. So far, it is the only iron which shows unambiguous evidence of rapid solidification from
a melt, followed by rapid cooling to low temperature. It is difficult to reconstruct the original body, but it is almost certain
that it was not a normal hexahedrite or a coarsest octahedrite, because the trace element concentration is significantly

Bernd  :winke:
« Letzte Änderung: September 25, 2021, 12:25:39 Nachmittag von Thin Section »
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Re: Misfit meteorite sheds light on solar system history: Nedagolla (IRANOM)
« Antwort #1 am: September 25, 2021, 20:23:34 Nachmittag »

Danke für den Hinweis, Bernd.

Knappes Fazit auch hier, ebenfalls publiziert in Sept. 2021:

Collisional mixing between inner and outer solar system planetesimals inferred from the Nedagolla iron meteorite

Jedenfalls sehr interessant!


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