....und so scheint es sich nun letztlich auch zu bestätigen:
http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news156.html2007 WD5 Mars Collision Effectively Ruled Out - Impact Odds now 1 in 10,000
Steve Chesley, Paul Chodas and Don Yeomans
NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office
January 9, 2008
Since our last update, we have received numerous tracking measurements
of asteroid 2007 WD5 from four different observatories. These new data
have led to a significant reduction in the position uncertainties during
the asteroid's close approach to Mars on Jan. 30, 2008. As a result, the
impact probability has dropped dramatically, to approximately 0.01% or 1
in 10,000 odds, effectively ruling out the possible collision with Mars....usw...

Alex [...eigentlich "schade", aber die Natur geht nun mal
ihren Weg!
