Habe noch ein paar Vorschläge. Das Zitat ist jeweils aus
http://tin.er.usgs.gov/meteor/metbull.phpFairfield“An iron mass of 1600 g was found by Mr. Roy Ballinger among material dredged by the American Materials Company from 120 feet depth in a gravel pit in Pleistocene glacial deposits.”
Hamilton (Queensland)“The meteorite almost buried by mud in flood-plain of the Balonne River.”
Indianópolis„A 14.85 kg mass was found among the gravels of the Araguari River.”
Little River (a)“A 4.4 kg. individual was recovered in 1967 while digging a pond to hold water for irrigation.”
Onello“Iron, ataxite (ungrouped) 48 fragments totaling 164 g, the largest weighting 17 g, were found in a gold placer located on the Onello River.”
Orimattila“A farmer, Keijo Virtanen, while digging for water in moraine gravel, found the stone about 1 meter below the surface.”
Oro Grande“Mr. T. C. Wilton found the stone in a gravel driveway. Sources for gravel for that area are within a radius of 20 miles, and Mr. Wilton speculates that the meteorite was brought in with the gravel for the driveway.”
Podgrodzie„A 8.9 g stone was recovered in a gravel pit (4 m below surface) of quaternary sediments by Paweł Osowski while searching by metal detector.”
Sappa“A 5.95 kg stone was found in a gravel pit by Mr. Paul Tansey.”
Senboku“A stone of 866 g has been sitting in the household altar of the Suda family for about 100 years or more. It was told in the family that it fell from the sky into the chestnut grove in the dry bed of the Maruko river behind the Suda's house. “
Sevaruyo“A single 12.37 g stone was found on a dry river-bed …”
Stratton“Found in the gravel driveway of a farm by a boy.”
Susuman“The meteorite Susuman was found in the pit No34 at a depth of 32 m in alluvial Quarternary deposits by worker Soluha.”
Święcany“A girl of age 12, Katarzyna Dępczyńska, found the stone in gravel on a road about 100 m from the house no. 73 in the village of Święcany, Jasło district, Podkarpackie province, Poland. The gravel was probably brought from a quarry near Skołyszyn in 2003.”
Tobychan“The meteorite was recovered 1.7 m deep in goldbearing deposits, “
Undulung“The object landed on a bar in the Undulung River, …”
Verkhnyi Saltov“An iron (21x16x7 cm) weighing 9.53 kg was found during archeological work at the shore line of the Pechenezhsky water reservoir, 2 km south of the Verkhnyi Saltov village.”
Wellington“Recognized as an unusual stone in fine-grained river flood plain deposits. “