Autor Thema: star jelly  (Gelesen 6764 mal)

Offline gsac

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Re: star jelly
« Antwort #15 am: Oktober 23, 2011, 19:24:28 Nachmittag »
Es ist natürlich weder ein olfaktorisches noch ein haptisches Erlebnis ...

...und der Speicher fühlt sich sehr gequält!  :dizzy:
Merci vielmals, trotzdem!...

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Re: star jelly
« Antwort #16 am: Oktober 23, 2011, 20:54:09 Nachmittag »
Es ist natürlich weder ein olfaktorisches noch ein haptisches Erlebnis ...

...und der Speicher fühlt sich sehr gequält!  :dizzy:
Merci vielmals, trotzdem!...
aber wenigstens erliegt man bei 500 Seiten nicht der Versuchung alles auszudrucken.

Lächle einfach - denn du kannst sie nicht alle töten

Offline Thin Section

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Re: star jelly
« Antwort #17 am: Oktober 24, 2011, 22:22:33 Nachmittag »
... ist nicht Robert Haag in seinen frühen Katalogen auch mal auf das Thema eingegangen?

Haag Robert (1991) Bob Haag's Field Guide of Meteorites, 10th Anniversary Edition, p. 40:

Star Jelly??

Where the citizens of Rahway, New Jersey, saw "firey rain" fall to the ground on November 13, 1833. they found "lumps of jelly". And a woman milking a cow at West Point, New York, on the same day saw something land "with a splosh", beside her. It was a round, flattened mass the size of a teacup and perfectly transparent.

This occurred at sunrise. At 10:00 am, she went out to show some people the jelly, but found it had disappeared. In its place, a boy found some white particles the size of a pinhead, but they disintegrated into powder and disappeared when he tried to pick them up.

(Letter from Alexander Twining to Prof. Denison Olmsted of Yale College).

The American Journal of Science and Arts 1: 363-411, Jan 1834

A foul-smelling substance, the consistency of butter, fell over large areas of southern Ireland in the winter and spring of 1696. According to the Bishop of Cloyne, this "stinking dew" fell in "lumps, often as big as the end of one's finger"; it was "soft, clammy, and of a dark yellow color"; the cattle in fields where it fell continued to feed as usual.
According to Mr. Robert Vans of Kilkenny, the local people believed the    "butter" was a useful medicine and collected it in pots and pans.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 19: 224-25,March-May 1696.

Nut-sized lumps of odorless, grey resinous matter fell on Vilna, Lithuania, during a rainstorm on April 4, 1846. When the material was burned, it released a pervasive sweet smell. After being soaked in water for 24 hours, it swelled and seemed completely gelatinous.

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaircs des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences 23, 542.

On January 21, 1803, a shooting star fell to Earth in Silesia between Barsdorf and Freiburg (now Swiebodzice); its trajectory was low, and eywitnesses heard a whizzing sound as it went by. For some time, the meteorite seemed to lie burning on the ground, and its point of  impact was therefore easily observed. In the morning, a mass of jelly-like material was found on the snow at the landing place.

Report of the Thirteenth Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 30:62-63, 1860.

From Reader's Digest, Mysteries of the Unexplained

("Butter" ? "Stinking dew" ? ……..What is this stuff …? Find some, quickly seal it in a jar and I’ll definitely buy it!)

Bernd  :hut:
(247553) Berndpauli = 2002 RV234

Das Ärgerlichste in dieser Welt ist, dass die Dummen todsicher und die Intelligenten voller Zweifel sind. (Bertrand Russell, britischer Philosoph und Mathematiker).

Offline gsac

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Re: star jelly
« Antwort #18 am: Oktober 24, 2011, 22:53:36 Nachmittag »
Genau - das war´s! Dank für den Input an den Sammlerkollegen!
"Find some, quickly seal it in a jar and I’ll definitely buy it!" (Haag)
Ob er dazu jetzt wohl auch noch stehen würde, in Zeiten des
Internet und diverser meteoritischer Ebay-Marmeladenangebote???

:gruebel: Alex

Offline Hungriger Wolf

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Re: star jelly
« Antwort #19 am: Oktober 24, 2011, 23:02:54 Nachmittag »
 :gruebel:  "Star-Jelly-I c e" ?

Wasser +
weitere Alkane
+ Spuren von Schwefelwasserstoff
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« Letzte Änderung: Oktober 24, 2011, 23:26:47 Nachmittag von Hungriger Wolf »


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