Autor Thema: Meteor mit Fragmentation über Deutschland 17.3.12, ~ 19:31 Uhr  (Gelesen 13056 mal)

Offline Hungriger Wolf

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Re: Meteor mit Fragmentation über Deutschland 17.3.12, ~ 19:31 Uhr
« Antwort #45 am: März 21, 2012, 20:59:57 Nachmittag »
Hallo Martin!

Super Karte  :super:



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Re: Meteor mit Fragmentation über Deutschland 17.3.12, ~ 19:31 Uhr
« Antwort #46 am: März 21, 2012, 22:29:07 Nachmittag »
Guten Abend
Besucher (Allmetall-Fans), die sich Samstag nachmittag gerade auf ihrer Heimfahrt per Pkw von mir befanden waren ebenfalls  :eek:perplex den hier thematisierten Feuerball zu sehen.
Abends hatten sie sich dann wohl gewundert, dass ich Ihnen (da ich gerade in
hiesigem Forum von der Sichtung las) bereits kurz nach ihrer Beobachtung meinerseits eine Info -
SMS bzw. eine email mit angehängtem Feuerballbericht sandte, ehe sie mir vorab von der
Neuigkeit berichten konnten. :hut:
Hier nun der (trocken gehaltener) Beobachtungsbericht:
DATE of Event? time / Uhrzeit Ca 19:30, local time March 17
LOCATION (where seen; CITY or Town, STATE, and COUNTRY) In a car on A3 between Nurnberg and Wurzburg
Duration: Seconds of light? / Sekunden der Lichterscheinung? 2 – 3 seconds
Which direction you were facing when you saw the fireball. About 20 degress to the right from the cars trajectory
Size - Brightness of object? / Grösse? Same as or how many% of /Wieviel % of Sonne Mond venus Like Venus when it’s as brightest
Colour / Farbe? Bright yellow
direction you FIRST saw the fireball? (Start location in sky) About 40 degress from the car trajectory
What direction were you facing?  (N-S;E-W, etc) Right to Left or Left to Right? From Right to left
(ev. Draw/make map)
 How far above the horizon was it when it first appeared? About 20 degress
 (If it appeared above an elevated horizon, please estimate the height above where the true horizon would be.)
direction you LAST saw the fireball? (Stop location in sky) -- Direction of travel?(N-S;E-W, etc) Right to Left or Left to Right? What direction were you facing? About 30 degress from the car trajectory (very sharply down)
How far above the horizon was it when it last appeared? If it appeared above an elevated horizon, please estimate the height above where the true horizon would be. About 10 degrees
Persistent Train? (Train visible after fireball has disappeared) * No
Did you see a terminal flash? * No
Did you see fragmentation? Where there parts falling off?  * No
Did you hear anything? (specify what you heard) No
Did you hear any delayed sounds (booms) associated with this object? No
<B>Impactites; Rare minerals and rock samples from beyond earth's gravity</B>


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