Autor Thema: Planetenentstehung - 'Staubfallen' um den jungen Sterns Oph IRS 48 entdeckt  (Gelesen 2977 mal)

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Das theoretische Konstrukt von 'Staubfallen' wurde möglicherweise erstmals
durch Beobachtungen des Sterns Oph IRS 48 belegt.

Neue Beobachtungen einer „Staubfalle” um einen jungen Stern lösen langjähriges Rätsel um die Entstehung von Planeten


Animation der Staubfalle


A Major Asymmetric Dust Trap in a Transition Disk

Science 7 June 2013:
Vol. 340 no. 6137 pp. 1199-1202

The statistics of discovered exoplanets suggest that planets form efficiently. However, there are fundamental unsolved problems, such as excessive inward drift of particles in protoplanetary disks during planet formation. Recent theories invoke dust traps to overcome this problem. We report the detection of a dust trap in the disk around the star Oph IRS 48 using observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The 0.44-millimeter–wavelength continuum map shows high-contrast crescent-shaped emission on one side of the star, originating from millimeter-sized grains, whereas both the mid-infrared image (micrometer-sized dust) and the gas traced by the carbon monoxide 6-5 rotational line suggest rings centered on the star. The difference in distribution of big grains versus small grains/gas can be modeled with a vortex-shaped dust trap triggered by a companion.


Supplementary material
« Letzte Änderung: Juni 06, 2013, 23:37:30 Nachmittag von karmaka »


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