Puh, da hat sich ja jemand echt eine Mörder-Arbeit angetan (Von ROBERT.D.MATSON, kopiert aus der Metliste):
If anyone is interested, for the past 6 months I've been compiling the
closing prices, masses and sellers of eBay Chelyabinsk meteorite sales
in an Excel spreadsheet. The dataset is quite large now (1250 points)
and includes all eBay sales of Chelyabinsk masses greater than or equal
to 3 grams. (Best-offer sales were not included since that price is not
reported by eBay.) There were a few sales that did not provide masses
(though clearly higher than my 3-gram cutoff), but since I was
interested in tracking the price-per-gram metric, I excluded them.
A summary:
Total auctions: 1250
Period covered: 2/27/2013 - 8/28/2013
Total mass: 22192.6 grams
Total cost: $248,393
Average price-per-gram: $11.19
Since price-per-gram obviously depends a great deal on the quality of
the specimen (percentage of crust, overall shape, degree of weathering,
whether IMB or not, evidence of orientation, presence of flow lines or
roll-over lips, etc.) I tried to add notes for each sale estimating the
percentage of crust, presence of weathering, whether the specimen
appeared to be an IMB, or anything else I thought relevant.
Download-Link zur Excel-Liste:
http://pages.suddenlink.net/chondrule/Rob_Matson/Chelyabinsk_Prices.xlsxTolle Aufstellung, danke Rob!