(247553) Berndpauli = 2002 RV234 ist übrigens in guter Gesellschaft.
Zeitgleich wurde, vorgeschlagen vom belgischen Wissenschaftler Eric Elst,
auch der Name 'Chebarkul' vergeben. Ebenso der Name 'Chelyabinsk'.
(37645) Chebarkul = 1994 CM 13Discovered 1994 Feb. 8 by E. W. Elst at the European Southern Observatory.
On 2013 February 15 a small asteroid exploded above the city of Chelyabinsk.
A large fragment continued its voyage to the city of Chebarkul, where it penetrated
the surface of a neighboring lake, creating a 8-meter diameter hole.
(20188) Chelyabinsk = 1997 AC18 Discovered 1997 Jan. 15 by T. Kobayashi at Oizumi.
Chelyabinsk is a city in the Urals, Siberia. On 2013 February 15 a
small asteroidal fragment exploded to the south of the city at a height of
~23 km. More than 1500 people were injured from indirect effects of the